[2015] Teacher Appreciation Week- Day 3

My daughter didn’t get to bring this to school today since our car broke down. But, she’ll bring it tomorrow. Anyway, she found this on pinterest [as usual] and wanted to see if I can recreate it.

How did I do?
DIY Pencil Vase

Day 4 will be posted on my refashion blog – students have to wear their teacher’s favorite color. Naturally, I’ll have to sew something.

Until then,
Happy DIY
Please support my fundraiser to get a safer car for my family.

Dollar Series: Build A Hanger

diy beaded hanger
Beaded Hanger

Spring break is over, and so I’m back into crafting. I really had no idea what to make, until I was sorting the clothes that I’m going to re-fashion so my daughter can have summer clothes, and me to post in the blog. Amongst the pile, I found a couple of my daughter’s Build A Bear outfits that she supposedly couldn’t find!. I couldn’t hang it because it doesn’t fit on a regular kids size hanger, and I’ve thrown out the baby hangers a long time ago. An idea hit me, a while back, while browsing at a different dollar store, they have these beaded hangers. I thought it was cute. So I decided to try it out if I can re-create it, for the outfits. Here’s the first try.
My daughter is sorting the rest of the beads, when she’s done, I’ll make a few more….
I only spent $1.00 for the beads @ Dollar Tree. It has 400 beads. I still have pipe cleaners left. I used a total of 4 pipe cleaners and 66 beads for this piece.

Beaded Hanger

Seems to me a closet is needed soon….

Until Then,