Refashion Series: The Hardest Pockets I Had Ever Sewn

I’ve learned to sew at a young age, even then I didn’t get hurt [when I should’ve] until today. Heck, I learned how to ride a bike when I was 9 without a scratch in order to prove to my grandma that I CAN. However, I had my first ever sewing “injury” by a pin. No, it’s not just a poke. That darn thing slit a line on my thumb, and it’s pretty deep. Deep enough that I’m not using my thumb to type.

How? It went something like this:
brain: it would make sense to sew the pockets from the old ripped jeans to the brand new pair of jeans, then you can change the needle back to the regular one and sew to your hearts desire.
heart: okay, but just one pair of jeans. the goodwill clothes are REALLY stacking up, and she still doesn’t have enough long maxi skirt and dresses.
brain: deal. do it now, before you change your mind again.
heart: i really just don’t feel like sewing jeans. not feeling it. I WANT TO MAKE MAXI SKIRTS!!!!
brain: i thought we had a deal
heart: fine, after dinner.

After dinner, I started sewing. I got the first pocket on just fine. Still early – if I get done on time, I might have time to sew a really quick maxi skirt. Sewing the second pocket. It came out uneven the first time. Darn. Second time around, I had sewn the inside pockets with it. WT!#$!#$???? My daughter at this point is ready for bed. I thought, let me rest and finish it when everyone is getting ready for bed. I’ll tuck her in, watch her fall asleep and fall in love with my princess all over again and I can go back out and finish the pocket and surprise her with one skirt.

So, I was ready to finish that stubborn pocket. Guess what? I was rushing myself to make it fit in between the foot that my hand slipped, and I cut my finger.

It looks like it shouldn’t hurt. Let’s put a feeling on this, shall we? it feels like a !@#$%#%$%$^ paper cut!!!!!! Third time, I actually managed to sew the whole thing on. I was done, right? NO turns out, I didn’t sew it flat. At this point I want to give up because I cant’ use my thumb to push the fabric through. Fifth time—-Somehow, I had sewn a part of the waistband too. I was cursing at my brain. 6th time, the bobbin ran out of thread. I started to think my sewing machine hates someone…and it has 2 choices, the seamstress, or the owner of the pants. I’m assuming me because I keep forcing to sew something that it clearly does not want to sew. I didn’t want to give, or did I? At this point, a brew of feelings are heating up, I don’t how I controlled it. So I tried the 7th time. That is when I finally got it right. Done? NOOOOO I still have to put the @!#%#% flap! Thankfully that was easier.

My sewing machine deserves a full maintenance. I’ll skip lunch and my part of dinner to be able to afford it. It’s my way of saying sorry, and don’t give up on me because I have tons and tons of girly girl outfits to still make.

In the end. I finished it. It was the hardest pockets I ever had to sew. Note to self: SKIP A MEAL IF I WANT TO BUY MY KID A PAIR OF CARGO PANTS FULL PRICE. Another note to self: NEVER EVER SEW UNINSPIRED. Last note to self: NEVER EVER LET YOUR BRAIN DO THE SEWING.

Until then

“If at first you don’t succeed, try and try again, and try not to cut your finger until you succeed.

Saving Sewing Patterns

I should’ve done this when I first started refashioning clothes. I am still not that experienced, despite the early age that I’ve learned how to sew. So, in the refashions I’ve made for my daughter, I still use patterns to get the look that I need. I only use the patterns for the bodice portion. Since she does not have a preference on how the bodice looks, I can re-use the same ones. Now that she’s grown a size, I came across a dilemma regarding the patterns I’ve used. I need to cut the next size pattern but it ended up as a thin strip and it was not easy to tape with the pattern that I’ve originally cut last year.

I came across a youtube video on how to make MH doll clothes, and the advice that I heard was to use acetate film. LIGHTBULB!! I can use acetate sheets for my patterns too!I may be the last to know this, and there must be a gazillion tutorials out there, but this is just pure genius! I can use this technique for her Ever After High dolls without ripping the seams off.

I am in need of a new bodice pattern anyway, so I found one @ Walmart for $2.97. The acetate pack [25 sheets] are $15.00 @ Michael’s. I will be investing in glue dots for those patterns that went outside the 9×12 sheet.

I found the pattern that I needed, placed the film on the pattern, traced the border, and cut the pattern.
acetate sheet sewing pattern
Now, I don’t have to worry about crumpling the pattern. Best of all I did not cut anything out of the original pattern.

Until then,

Keep your passion for refashion!

What to give someone who has everything

It’s my friend’s birthday. This year, I’ve decided to let it be known that I haven’t forgotten a day like this. But I was stumped as to what I should give, since my friend does not need or want anything that money can buy. They are selling mini canvas’ at Beverly’s and I thought I could try my hand at some sort of canvas art.

No, it’s not a Chevron pattern, it’s a zodiac sign.

Until then,


Barbie Series: That Moment When Barbie Has More Shoes Than You

This is 2014 DIY. I decided to make this since I keep finding myself having to find the right or left shoe of Barbie. I was walking by at Dollar Tree during a lunch that I have my car, and found a pillbox and thought maybe it’ll fit Babie’s shoes. I tested it out. Went home, covered it with duct tape and it worked.

But Barbie has way more shoes than these. It just so happens that ALL of the dolls are wearing a pair, and these are just the ones without a doll. So off I went to Dollar Tree and got a few more. For now, I haven’t glued them together since I am planning to build a new dollhouse, I will incorporate these in there. That’s when I realized that she has way more shoes than I do.

Until Then,


Barbie Series: Barbie and Friends needs a home

My princess has a LOT of Barbie dolls, not counting Disney Dolls, and our new favorite-Ever After High Dolls. The ones feature in the picture is not even a quarter of what he REALLY has!!!.

I made this dollhouse for her birthday last September. Because I couldn’t find this dollhouse on Ebay anymore.
At the time, buying supplies from Home Depot is still out of the question. But a dollhouse is still needed. I contemplated, and looked around @ Goodwill for a bookcase, to surprisingly no luck. So – I bought about 5 foam boards at Dollar Tree and other Dollar Stores, and just started cutting and gluing pieces together. At the time I was building this, my intent was to make a duct tape dollhouse. After realizing that a section of the room takes exactly one roll and added up how much I would spend – that was scrapped, and I went back to using materials I already have at home. I finished the house right on time for her to come home from her dad’s. Let’s just say that this dollhouse topped her LEGOLAND weekend.

foam board dollhouse
The dining room walls are covered with duct tape. The floor was made using construction paper weaved together and the laminate roll from Dollar Tree.

The living room is covered with duct tape. The couch is made out of 2 dinner boxes from Dollar Tree wrapped in last year’s wrapping paper. The carpet is real. I scored a huge roll from the carpet guys when they are replacing the carpet from the neighboring unit.

The second floor is when I didn’t have funds for duct tape and used leftover scrapbook paper from our Mother’s Day Craft. I made a new closet from left over foam board and birthday tissue paper.

The third floor is my lazy way of finishing the house. I found pink foam boards at my local 97c store and used tissue paper for the walls.

I thought that this would’ve been broken by now, I decided to blog about it now because I’m planning to build dorm rooms for our – err- her latest Ever After High collection. This time, I’ll buy the Balsa Wood one block at a time.

Until then,


[2014] Valentine / Refashion Series: True Hearts Day

My daughter and I fell madly in love with the Ever After High dolls. Her favorite character is Raven Queen. My “rebel” princess has proclaimed that her new favorite colors are now purple and black. Not because those have been Mommy’s favorite colors for like — forever after, but because Raven Queen wears these colors. Well, Rebel R needs a True Hearts Day outfit, and it has to be all “Rebel-ish”.

For the shirt, instead of using fabric paint, she used a bleach pen on a black shirt

For the skirt, I used a lace top from the 99c store, and old shirt of mine, and a tutu skirt from Dollar tree. I didn’t get the ruffle effect I wanted, but she was happy with the outcome

I didn’t get the chance to make her headband, and jewelry. That’s for another crafting day.

Now she’s all set to go to school, to hand out her Valentines in her True Hearts Day outfit.

Raven Queen Inspired Outfit

This marks the end of our Valentine Series. Thank you for following, and don’t forget to pin images that you like.

Until then,

Happy Valentines Day and Keep Your Passion for Refashion!

[2014] Valentine Series: A Case of Valentines

I thought last year’s valentine box will be re-used this year. I was wrong. LOL. In any case, I don’t have the time to come up with a really cool box, plus we’ve used this case as a holder for the crayon hearts anyway. I figured, with a little tissue paper, and left over hearts from last year’s craft, a new valentine’s box can be made.

diy valentines box

Something I Didn’t Teach

I always imagined that my daughter will learn everything from me when it comes to arts, and crafts. When I learned to make a rainbow loom fishtail bracelet the day she was at her dad’s, I couldn’t wait to teach her how I did it by hand. But, she wasn’t herself after coming back from a fabulous weekend. Last week, she came home telling me her friend taught her how to do it by hand. I think I am more proud of her that she learned something on her own. She did a couple after I cleaned our patio. She was so proud that she wore it out!

My daughter, future crafter.
fishtail rainbow loom

[2014] Valentine Series: Sharpie Mugs

This year, Mr. A didn’t want to handout valentines for his class, however, he wanted to give one to his teacher. Princess wanted the same thing naturally – and because the idea was so so so cute, I had to make one for each of us too. Oh how I love Pinterest!

I didn’t take an up-close picture of the mugs, and this was a trial and error too. In the end, we got the look we wanted. Note to self: use 99 c mugs but NEVER 99c permanent markers unless it IS the Sharpie brand.
diy sharpie mugs

Until then,


[2014] Refashion Series: Happy Pants

Taking a minor break from our Valentine series for this quick fix it post.

Backstory: Mr A once said that I only refashion for Ms R. True mostly because I have clothes that she can wear and it is not like he will wear a tutu skirt. So I took it as a challenge and accepted it last night.

Current situation: Mr A hates to change his jeans since forever. He will wear it until it is ripped. Sadly the time has come for him to wear those jeans in the closet. Turns out, he doesn’t like to wear them because they have no cargo pockets. I still have a box of jeans that he outgrew , and torn apart. He has found a pair of jeans that I would like him to wear. All I did was unstitched the pockets from the older jeans and sew onto the newer pair.

Viola!!! Challenge Accepted. Operation: Happy Pants….Accomplished
fixed jeans

Until then,

Keep your passion for refashion!