Valentine Series: Part 1 – Replacing lost décor

diy heart wreath

Last summer, some kids decided to pull a prank and ransacked my already disorganized patio and took a couple of door decorations including the heart wreath. I didn’t make a big deal out of it since it was only a buck. This year, while browsing for stuff at Dollar Tree, the decorations are up, but I decided to “splurge” a little bit and make my own. This time, I’m boxing up properly and keeping it safe in my other patio when the holiday is over.

Craft stores are selling a simple tinsel heart decor for $6.99, and some metal decor for at least 11.99+tax and that’s at 40% off. I spent about $11.00 including tax, but, I feel a little bit more proud that I made it.

012013: The Style of Hanging

My daughter received a few packs of Barbie clothes the past couple of years. Before the DIY, I didn’t think of saving the plastic forms that came with it, until this past Christmas. Well, that kind of paid off, since after receiving the store brand Barbie closet, the hangers that came with it, could not be used with some of the clothes.

A while back, I made pipe cleaner hangers. I decided to just poke a tiny hole on the dress forms and add jump rings to the already made hangers. Too bad she fell asleep by the time I finished them. Oh well, she’ll see them tomorrow.
DIY Barbie Hangers

Until then,


011913: Lost and Found

A few years ago, a co-worker gave me a bunch beaded pony tails similar to the image below. through the years, it broke due to my thick hair. at the time, I didn’t have the need to reuse the beads, so yeah – I threw it away.

A couple of months ago, while looking for something at my desk, I found some beads that I didn’t even know I saved. I brought them home thinking I would make a necklace out of it for Christmas. I set it aside. I didn’t find the beads until two weeks ago. I remembered the Pretty Little Liars episode where Emily’s character was wearing a beaded necklace and I thought I should make it for my daughter since I didn’t have a lot. I made it the day after I made the charm bracelet, but I forgot about it until I saw the necklace this morning.

So here’s my daughter’s first DIY necklace for 2013.

DIY beaded necklace

Status Update: Valentine Series

LOVE is in the air – and the mess is going to be on my floor! The bug that bit me last October gave me a disease and there seems to be no cure for it. The symptoms can only be relieved by making more DIY crafts. Ergo, more messes on my living room/kitchen/patio.
For February, I am planning on posting a series of DIY crafts for Valentines. I’m not sure how many posts there will be leading up to Valentines, but, rest assured there are planned projects, supplies are at 90%. It’s a matter of scheduling, mood, and whichever one the family decides to make first- so stay tuned anyway.

Before the blog….

I made a page of How To’s – thinking that this blog would be a tutorial. After thinking about it, I really don’t have new ideas that I can proudly say hey – this is new and this is how you do it. What I did was ,hmm I have all these stuff, how can I organize it – cheaply? So I google and found ideas and tried my best to make it cheap as possible. lol. So, with that thought, I’m taking down the How To page…but I still want to let myself know that I’ve been DIYing before the blog.

Hair clip holder: This was a 100th day project for my daughter’s Kindergarten class. I wanted her to bring something else other than beads, puzzles, or the common stuff kids bring for this day. So I thought, she should bring 100 hair clips. Got the hair clips….but how to put it together? Solution….Dollar Tree wigs, and a poster board. Didn’t think of this as a DIY at the time. [Picture coming soon]

Earring Holder: I keep losing my earrings. That, and my daughter will be getting her ears pierced so I will need to separate hers and mine. To this day, I still haven’t updated the frame. I can’t make up my mind if I want to paint it, or do something else.
diy earring holder

Necklace Holder: Where the wall is the only place I can hang them- asap until I decide to make an actual DIY holder
diy necklace holder

011413: Cleaning up inventory….

Things have settled down quite a bit, and the kiddos are back in school. Somehow while organizing stuff, there are still a few charms from the keychains that I bought from my local 97c store left over. Then I found a charm bracelet [with one charm!] that I got from the 99c store that I was going to use as a stocking stuffer that I totally forgot about. I started working on it, but it was bedtime – so I decided to bring it to work to finish it. I decided to take the original charm off this one and maybe one of these days it will find a new chain to be on.

Here’s the first charm bracelet for my daughter for 2013 from my inventory in 2012.
charm bracelet

Until next time – Happy DIY!